Sunday, 12 August 2012

Total Quality Management in Supply Chain

International Business Research
Total Quality Management in Supply Chain  
Guangshu Chang  Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management 

Since 1980’s, the competition between enterprises has become the one between supply chains. Therefore, the  implementation of total quality management (TQM) in supply chain system but not only in enterprise has become an  exquisite premise for the survival of enterprise. This paper discussed the application of the eight modern TQM  principles of ISO9000 in supply chain quality management, namely customer focus, leadership, involvement of people,  process management, system management, continual improvement, factual approach to decision-making, and mutually  beneficial supplier relationships.

Keywords: Supply Chain, Total Quality Management, ISO9000 

In nowadays, the core ideas of TQM set forth by W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and Kaoru Ishikawa gained  significant acceptance and has become something of a social movement. The series standards of ISO9000 are  implementing in many industries, such as manufacturing, service, health care, nonprofit organizations, educational  institutions, even public bureaucracies. In the introduction of Quality Management System of ISO9000:2000, eight  principles of TQM are proposed, namely customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process management,  system management, continual improvement, factual approach to decision making, and mutually beneficial supplier  relationship. The eight principles generalize the success experience of the advanced enterprises in the developed  countries.  In the current buyer’s market with global hard competition, enterprises cannot respond rapidly to the customers’  demand through traditional operation mechanism. Thereupon, a kind of new operation mechanism, i.e. supply chain  management, emerges as the times require [2]. In supply chain circumstance, the majority of enterprises, especially  some excellent enterprises, rely on their suppliers more and more heavily. The product quality and manufacturing  process of suppliers has great effect on the quality of final product of core enterprise. It means that the emphasis of  research and practice of TQM has transferred from enterprise focus to supply chain focus. Not only the high quality of  product and service but also the high level of quality control of the whole supply chain system ensures the competition  advance.Up to now, researchers has studied some related problems of quality management in supply chain. For example, Noori  investigated the implementation of continuous collaborative improvement activities in the supply chains of Canadian  industries, including the automotive, electronics and aerospace sectors.

2. Supply chain quality management based on the TQM principles

2.1 Customer focus
Customer focus is the core principle and idea of TQM because quality effort comes of customer’s needs and ends with  customer’s acceptance. In supply chain circumstance, customer includes not only the end user but also many in-between  users, such as suppliers, manufacturers, sellers, etc. However, more than half of the quality problems in supply chain are  resulted by specifications because of the inadequate communications between the members of supply chain. In many  cases, the procurement specifications released by buyers are equivocal while suppliers dare not to argue against buyers  on the specifications in the bidding process [3]. Therefore, the core enterprise must pay attention to the needs and  expectation of end users, and all the members of supply chain must pay attention to the needs and expectation of their  backward users. The needs and expectation of end users should be deployed layer upon layer in the whole supply chain  system. The end users will satisfy if all the member of supply chain can satisfy the needs of their backward users.  Moreover, the operation efficiency of supply chain system can be improved through the satisfaction level of the end  users. In supply chain quality management, some traditional tools of TQM are also effective. For example, we can use  Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to identify the distinct and potential needs and preferences of users, use Fishbone  Chart to investigate the factors affecting the satisfaction level of users and then use Pareto Chart to find out the key  factors.

2.2 Leadership
The effective of quality management depend on the effective of leadership because quality effort can get actual effect  only with the recognition and support of the leadership. In supply chain circumstance, the core enterprise play as the  leadership since it establishes the development strategy and operation targets of supply chain affect the actual efficiency  and effectiveness of the quality effort of all the other members. Therefore, the core enterprise must act as leadership to  consider adequately the needs and expectation of the other members, establish a clear, realizable and coincident holistic  target, and then lead and inspire the other members to strive jointly for the target. At the same time, the core enterprise  should foster more leaders of TQM in each layer of supply chain and make them take their responsibility zealously.

2.3 Involvement of people
The exertion of enthusiasm and creativity of all the employees is the precondition of the actual effect of quality  management. In supply chain circumstance, an up-and-coming excelsior work atmosphere should be established to  inspire the enthusiasm and creativity of the employees of all the members. Each employee should understand his/her  role and responsibility in the supply chain system, solve the problems forwardly as mastership, and learn the principles,  skills and technologies of TQM and ISO9000. Here, we can foster the ethos of self-motion and self-knowledge in  supply chain through 5S, i.e. seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitshke. Furthermore, we can make all the employees  participate into supply chain quality management and strive for the satisfaction of users jointly through the  establishment of QC teams that cross function or even enterprise.

2.4 Process management
 The focus of modern quality view is the process quality management but not the product itself of traditional quality  view. It is the requirement of the quality management system of ISO9004:2000 and the essential difference of modern  and traditional quality view. In each step of supply chain, there are many correlative processes, such as procurement,  logistics, production, inventory, selling, service, etc. These processes have their own independent objectives and  programs. There are usually conflicts among the objectives and programs. Therefore, the processes and their mutual  effects should be identified and managed to ensure the harmonious operation of supply chain. Then, all the processes,  especially the key processes, can realize high quality, i.e. small variation, small waste, and more increment, through the  continuous improvement and total quality control in all the nodes of supply chain system, as shown in Figure 1.  Insert Figure 1 Here.

2.5 System management  
The application of system approach in quality management is to view the quality management system as a big and  holistic system, identify and manage the sub-systems respectively. Then, the coordinated effect and mutual promotion  among the sub-systems will make the whole effect greater than the sum of the improvement of each sub-system and  improve the validity and efficiency of the realization of final targets [8]. In supply chain circumstance, enterprise should  confirm the mutual dependence relationship among the processes in supply chain system, break the boundary among  supply chain members, construct and integrate the processes in supply chain system. Then, many well operation  sub-systems can be constructed to collocate the resources rationally among the sub-systems. Finally, the whole supply  Vol. 2, No. 2 International Business Research  84  chain system, including supply, transport, production, distribution, inventory, etc., can realize the target and policy of  quality through the optimal operation mode.

2.6 Continual improvement 
Continual improvement is one of the focuses of modern quality research and practice. Enterprise must improve the  quality of product and service continually and reduce the cost to make customer satisfactory. In supply chain  circumstance, the pressure of continual improvement is more and more pressing because the market competition is more  and more hard. Not only the core enterprise but also the other members, such as suppliers, sellers, and logistics  providers, must improve their product and service respectively so as to construct the continual improvement of products  and services all over the supply chain process. Then, the continual, stable and harmonious ability of quality assurance  can be established. Furthermore, the core enterprise and other members must find the ways and practices improving  performance in or out of supply chain through benchmarking to make the continual improvement speed fast than the  one of rivals. However, it is ironical that one of the most important reason in the predicament of Xerox, which initiated  benchmarking practices, was exactly its slow reaction with the fast changing environment.

2.7 Factual approach to decision making
The sufficient and adequate data and information is the foundation of making right and effective decisions. Up to now,  many enterprises have began to collect and deal with all kinds of data and information by utilizing many advanced  information technology, e.g., EDI, MRP??, ERP, POS, Intranet/Extranet/Internet, so as to provide foundation for  making effective decision. In supply chain circumstance, enterprise should collect data and information of not only  itself but also the other members of supply chain to record and analyze the current operation situation of each member.  Therefore, the potential problems in any step of supply chain can be found duly according to the results of data analysis.  Then, the corresponding correct and timely decision can be made to avoid or rectify the problem.

2.8 Mutually beneficial supplier relationships  
What impact can suppliers have in achieving quality?
TQM authorities recommend that organizations work directly  with raw material suppliers to ensure that their materials are of the highest quality possible. Currently, at  least 50 percent of TQM organizations collaborate with their suppliers in some way to increase the quality of  component parts. Often these organizations send out “quality action teams” to consult with their major suppliers.  The objective is to help suppliers use TQM to analyze and improve their work processes . Suppliers can contribute  to quality in a number of other ways.  Therefore, the organization and its supplier are mutually dependent. Maintaining the mutually beneficial relationships  between them can improve the ability of creating value both of them. In supply chain circumstance, the product quality  is performed and ensured by all the members of supply chain because the production, sales and service process must be  performed by all the members.

3. Concluding remarks  The series standards of ISO9000 are made for the standardization of quality management and quality assurance.  Therefore, in supply chain circumstance, the implementation of ISO9000 is the basic assurance for an enterprise to  provide acceptable product or service and improve the quality level in a certain supply chain. The application of the  eight modern TQM principles of ISO9000 in supply chain quality management will promote the improvement of  operation efficiency and competition ability of the whole supply chain system. 

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